Get Involved

Get Involved and How To Help
Join The Heidi’s Legacy Family
Made up of volunteers, foster families, adopters, well wishers, & financial supporters of all ages and from all over. The one thing we all have in common: the welfare of the animals. Please join our efforts!
We are always in need of volunteers to help with fostering as well as adoption events and other projects. Volunteers come from many different backgrounds and vocations. No experience is necessary. We have a job for everyone! All you need is a warm heart for a cold nose!
Foster a Dog
These are our most valued volunteers. Without loving foster homes, we could not do all that we do and be able to save so many thousands of lives since we began operations in 2002. We are in desperate need of people with a little time and a lot of love to spare to provide temporary but loving foster home
Adopt a Dog
Make Adoption Your First Option! A simple solution to the national pet overpopulation problem…yet effective. If we all adopted just one, there would be very few to save. And talk to others about adopting dogs instead of buying them. Adopting instead of shopping will save thousands of dogs from being euthanized in shelters every day. Every dog bought in pet store or from breeder means another dog in the shelter dies. Sadly, a dog is put down approximately every 9 seconds in the United States.
Shop on Amazon
Buy on AmazonSmile, its easy. How simple is it to support Heidi’s Legacy? Shop at smile.amazon.com, and Amazon will donate a portion of your purchase price to Heidi’s Legacy. On your first visit to smile.amazon.com select Heidi’s Legacy Dog Rescue as your charitable organization and then be sure to bookmark it to make it even easier to return shop and donate. Eligible products are marked “Eligible for AmazonSmile donation” on their product detail pages. You can use your same account on Amazon.com at AmazonSmile.
Transport Needy Animals
Transporters are greatly needed to move animals from shelters to our offices/vet clinics, take them to mobile adoptions/vet appointments and help pick up supplies. All you need is a clean drivers license, proof of insurance and a safe vehicle.
Promote the Need For Spay and Neuter
Spaying and neutering your pets prevents more homeless dogs and cats and eliminates the horror of so many millions that die unloved and unwanted in shelters. Tell your friends, co-workers, people you meet at the vets, the grocery store clerk….educate as many people as you can reach.
Hold or Help With a Fund Raising Event
The more funds we can raise, the greater number of needy animals we can save from unnecessary euthanasia, offering them, instead, a full life returning the love and devotion of their new adoptive families.
Teach Your Children to Value All Living Creatures
Learning to value life begins at an early age. Studies have shown that teaching children how to stop the neglect and abuse of animals through early humane education stays with them into adulthood.
Remember Us in Your Will
A bequest from your estate ensures that the love you have for animals will live on after you pass.
Celebrate Any Occasion by Giving the Gift of Life
Just Pennies a Day Can Save Lives! Donate to make yourself feel good or contribute on behalf of others. Give the gift of life this year! For birthdays, anniversaries, holidays….A Life Saved is the perfect gift for all occasions!

"Rescued does not mean 'damaged'...