Before & Afters
Warning: some of these pictures are graphic and may be hard to look at
We know many of you always want to know what happened to a certain dog you saw on our FB page. We are dedicating this page to all of you who have been fans of the rescue and to those who have donated to the rescue to help a certain dog or many dogs over time.
Samantha now Heidi

Back broken L5, L7-S1, L11 & 12, cracked spleen, several breaks to pelvis, and a broken front leg. Some vertebrae are also out of alignment. $13,000 later, she was put back together and was adopted by one of the surgical techs who cared for her.

This is Samantha today. She is happy and healthy.

She had been hit by a vehicle and was so injured she could not even pull herself up to get out of the water filled ditch. By chance, a Good Samaritan saw her, and got her to safety and then Heidi’s Legacy stepped in. The news was not good.

Ranger came to us the victim of extreme neglect. He had been tossed away in a dog dumping ground to fend for himself. He was attacked by other dogs. The vets who first treated him said he had PTSD.
After months of medical treatment and TLC by his foster mom, Ranger now know as Mako has hit the jackpot. Here he is with his new sister and new life.

Brutus has a very long sad story. Brutus was rescued out of a hot backyard shed where he was locked in by a barbell holding the door shut. Dirty food and water and a pair of jeans for a bed. Brutus had large leaking lacerations and holes. He was too emaciated and not strong enough to undergo surgery. He came into the care of Heidi's Legacy Dog Rescue as an owner surrender with large gashes and infections on his neck from what was allegedly from a "cat". He was extremely emaciated, under 100 lbs, (40 pounds underweight), as a normal Dogue de Bordeaux (French Mastiff) of his size should weigh about 140 lbs. He was also covered in fleas, had extreme diarrhea, an abscess and conjunctivitis in his eyes. It took days of hospitalization, antibiotics, drains, and special foods to get him strong enough to have the surgeries he was going to need to fix all his issues. Thankfully with the help of donations, Brutus received all the vetting and care he needed and is now living happily with his forever family.

This little girl was found in a rain filled ditch in AL. She had been hit by a car and left for dead.

She sustained a broken back and 2 broken legs.

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